JSC JDC communication Result 2014:
JSC JDC communication 2014 ar getting to be prevailed ordinal Gregorian calendar month 2014 and continuing up to eighteen Gregorian calendar month 2014. initial|at the begin} from begin} start Bengali first papers. possible within the tip of Dec Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) communication result 2014 ar getting to be written. As almost immediately as Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) communication Result 2014 has been written it\'s going to be written here. thus keep eye on this web site to induce Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) communication Result 2014 as almost immediately as come-at-able. As almost immediately as junior scholarship examination result has been written it\'s going to be updated here. Keep eye on this web site to induce junior scholarship examination result. synchronic linguistics faculty Certificate (JSC) and Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) examinations started ordinal Gregorian calendar month 2014 on Sunday and completed ar getting to be the examination eighteenth Gregorian calendar month, 2014.
How to get JSC JDC Result 2014:
JSC and JDC to induce Result 2014 by SMS from your mobile, move to message possibility and write JSC then the first 3 letters of Education Board name so write students JSC communication Roll selection so send it to 16222. The JDC communication 2014 candidates need to write JDC then MAD then the communication roll selection and send to 16222.
SMS technique For JSC examination Result 2014:
JSC <Space> First three latter of Board Name < Roll No> Send to 16222
SMS technique For JDC examination Result 2014:
JDC <Space> First three latter of Board Name < Roll No> Send to 16222
You can Send SMS from any Operator (Grameen Phone, Teletalk, Banglalink, Airtel) to induce
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