Physics short suggestion, English first paper short suggestion and Question pattern for Upcoming SSC Examination 2015 | Bangladesh
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Today we will discuss about physics multiple Choice questions, question pattern and give Short suggestion for SSC Examination2015. Physics is a hard subject; many students cannot receive good marks in this subject. So every student should take care in this subject than others subjects. You should mind it that many students had become unsuccessful in this subject. Without take care in this subject you will not get good marks. It is hard subject but you can receive good marks by solving different model question, different suggestion and their solution. Don’t worry about this subject; we will try to give you better guideline how to achieve better result. Student should read carefully all chapter of the text book continually and memorize such thing very clearly, then he/she achieve a better result otherwise is not possible. Student feel this subject , Very hard to obtaining a good result and good result of this subject is not possible, It is not a good idea, you will be able to receive good marks by reading thoroughly and clearly. You have no enough time, so you use your time properly in this subject. Candidate should solve various types of multiple choice questions for their good result; multiple choice questions can carry good marks for receiving good result in this subject. Without solving multiple choice questions, good result is not possible, because it carry about 35 marks. More and more practice can bring good result. If any candidates have good idea about of multiple choice questions, theoretical questions and practical, he is able to receive good marks or able to receive good result to this subject; overall he/she obtain a good result. So you should practice important question again and again for your good performance in the examination. There is no other way without reading, so you should think about your good future. Good students always think about their examination, so they are able to solve their question rapidly and clearly. You should know clearly about your question pattern before examination. Teachers may have given suggestion about this subject before final examination; you should solve this important question clearly. You should know, time and tide wait for none. Be careful about your exam preparation.
Now we will give some multiple choices Question. You need to solve this question clearly without help. If you solve 80% or above question then I think you will prepare for examination and you make a better result.
Physics Multiple Choice Question |
Physics Question Pattern for SSC Examination 2015:
1.Theatrical question
Marks: 40
2.Multiple Choice Questions
Marks: 35; each question contains 1 mark.
Marks: 25
HSC English first paper Seen comprehension
English first paper Question Pattern for SSC Examination 2015:
Every subject carry 100 numbers, so English first paper also carry 100 numbers. In English first/1st paper has a passage that carries 40 marks, it have 8 questions that carry 8x5=40 marks. With clue, without clue, Rearrange sentence, table, paragraph writing, Letter or application writing, each separately carries 10 marks.
Read carefully all text books.
Solve mathematical question very carefully.
Make hand note about important question.
Read regularly and writing regularly.
Maintain time very carefully in the examination.
Candidate get all kind of Exam information and gaidline from this site which is very effective to success all kiind of examination.
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