"How will mental preparation"
Mental preparation plays an important role in the examination,mental preparation is one of the most important part to receive a good result. Tomorrow my exam will be held, how will make my mental preparation? Mentally preparation for exam is not difficult matter, we can take some techniques that any student can use when it is time to use this techniques. I am going to fail, this idea will make me negative self-talk, this idea will decrease my performance. So I think positive is very important for my good result,it will increase my confidence and abilities. If I think, I am smart, it will make my positive self-talk. I will not compare my performance to other students. My performance is only one matter for changing grade. This opportunity will show what I know and what I have learned. I think exam is normal matter and every student should fell like me for making good result in every where. Mental preparation techniques and remembering that test is not only important measure for my every performance. Mental preparation have a high degree of importance, it is a understandable matter for many students.
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