ইন্ডিয়ান ভিসার নতুন সার্ভারের Security প্রশ্ন ও তার উত্তর
ইন্ডিয়ান ভিসার নতুন সার্ভারের Security প্রশ্ন ও তার উত্তর ১০০% কমন পরবেই আর কোন চিন্তা নাই চাইলে কপি করে বসাতে পারেন আর ইচ্ছা করলে নিজ থেকেও দিতে পারেন যেই ভাবে দ্রুত হয় সেই ভাবে দিবেন ......
এখানে ৯ প্রকারের প্রশ্নের উত্তর দিতে হবে সেগুলো হল -
new System |
১। Arrange in alphabetical order VQGAF ? এর মানে alphabetical সিরিয়াল
ভাবে সাজিয়ে উত্তর দিতে হবে যেমন এর উত্তর - afgqv এইটা ।
২। what is the nature color of apple? এর মানে আপেল এর রঙ কি ? এই রকম কিছু ফলের রঙ এর প্রশ্ন হবে এর উত্তর হবে - red ।
৩। How many days are there in january ? এর মানে জানুয়ারী মাস টা কত দিন এর এই রকম ১২ মাস এর ই প্রশ্ন আসবে এর উত্তর হবে - 31
৪। Reverse the number 6331 ? এর মানে উল্টো দিক থাকে সিরিয়াল সংখ্যা টি সাজাতে হবে মানে 1336 এই রকম ।
৫। which is greater 5 or 2 ? এর মানে ২টা সংখ্যার মধ্যে বড় সংখ্যা কোনটা উত্তর - 5 ।
৬। Which is smaller 3 or 0 ? এর মানে ২ টা সংখ্যার মধ্যে ছোট সংখ্যা কোনটা - 0 ।
৭। Add 8 to 2 ? এর মানে ২ টা সংখ্যার যোগ ফল কত ? উত্তর হবে - 10 ।
৮। Multiply 4 with 0 ? এর মানে ২ টা সংখ্যার গুনফল কত ? উত্তর হবে - 0 ।
৯। Reverse the string RQJRL ? এর মানে হল ( RQJRL ) এই ওয়ার্ড টার উল্টো দিক থেকে লিখতে হবে তাইলে হবে এই রকম - lrjqr । উত্তর হবে lrjqr এইটা ।
Sequrity Answer:
1. Arrange in alphabetical order VQGAF =afgqv
2. Arrange in alphabetical order CTKST =ckstt
3. Arrange in alphabetical order FSPIH = fhips
4. Arrange in alphabetical order NHTJT = hjntt
5. Arrange in alphabetical order IEYRL = eirly
6. Arrange in alphabetical order KMYID = dikmy
7. Arrange in alphabetical order GEBAD = abdeg
8. Arrange in alphabetical order KILOH = hiklo
9. Arrange in alphabetical order FPFOT = ffopt
10. Arrange in alphabetical order TPYLG = glpty
11. Arrange in alphabetical order RLUBF = bflru
12. Arrange in alphabetical order XWLXB = blwxx
13. Arrange in alphabetical order HXSDX = dhsxx
14. what is the nature color of apple ? = Red
15. what is the nature color of mango ? = yellow
16. what is the nature color of Tomato ? = Red
17. what is the nature color of Banana ? = yellow
18. what is the nature color of Milk ? = white
19. what is the nature color of sun ? = yellow
20. How many days are there in january ? = 31
21. How many days are there in February ? = 28
22. How many days are there in March ? = 31
23. How many days are there in April ? = 30
24. How many days are there in May ? = 31
25. How many days are there in June ? = 30
26. How many days are there in July ? = 31
27. How many days are there in August ? = 31
28. How many days are there in september ? = 30
29. How many days are there in October ? = 31
30. How many days are there in November ? = 30
31. How many days are there in December ? = 31
32. Reverse the number 6331 = 1336
33. Reverse the number 3670 = 0763
34. Reverse the number 7012 = 2107
35. Reverse the number 8285 = 5828
36. Reverse the number 1249 = 9421
37. Reverse the number 2168 = 8612
38. Reverse the number 8882 = 2888
39. Reverse the number 5452 = 2545
40. Reverse the number 9388 = 8839
41. Reverse the number 2834 = 4382
42. Reverse the number 8474 = 4748
43. Reverse the number 3929 = 9293
44. Reverse the number 1576 = 6751
45. Reverse the number 8155 = 5518
46. Reverse the number 855 = 558
47. Reverse the number 4275 = 5724
48. which is greater 5 or 2 ? =5
49. which is greater 1 or 5 ? =5
50. which is greater 1 or 7 ? =7
51. which is greater 4 or 7 ? =7
52. which is greater 5 or 4 ? =5
53. which is greater 1 or 3 ? =3
54. which is greater 3 or 5 ? =5
55. which is greater 6 or 1 ? =6
56. which is greater 6 or 2 ? =6
57. which is greater 1 or 4 ? =4
58. which is greater 0 or 4 ? =4
59. which is greater 0 or 6 ? =6
60. which is greater 7 or 0 ? =7
61. which is greater 1 or 8 ? =8
62. which is greater 2 or 7 ? =7
63. which is greater 1 or 0 ? =1
64. Which is smaller 3 or 0 ? = 0
65. Which is smaller 1 or 6 ? = 1
66. Which is smaller 0 or 2 ? = 0
67. Which is smaller 4 or 7 ? = 4
68. Which is smaller 4 or 5 ? = 4
69. Which is smaller 7 or 2 ? = 2
70. Which is smaller 8 or 0 ? = 0
71. Which is smaller 8 or 6 ? = 6
72. Which is smaller 4 or 2 ? = 2
73. Which is smaller 2 or 8 ? = 2
74. Which is smaller 4 or 6 ? = 4
75. Which is smaller 8 or 5 ? = 5
76. Which is smaller 3 or 8 ? = 3
77. Add 8 to 2 = 10
78. Add 8 to 4 = 12
79. Add 7 to 10 = 17
80. Add 5 to 11 = 16
81. Add 1 to 0 = 1
82. Add 3 to 9 = 12
83. Add 5 to 10 = 15
84. Add 0 to 10 = 10
85. Add 8 to 13 = 21
86. Add 0 to 5 = 5
87. Add 8 to 1 = 9
88. Add 7 to 16 = 23
89. Add 7 to 15 = 22
90. Add 8 to 19 = 27
91. Multiply 4 with 0 = 0
92. Multiply 6 with 5 = 30
93. Multiply 3 with 0 = 0
94. Multiply 4 with 7 = 28
95. Multiply 3 with 1 = 3
96. Multiply 7 with 2 = 14
97. Multiply 8 with 2 = 16
98. Multiply 3 with 4 = 12
99. Multiply 2 with 7 = 14
100. Multiply 1 with 2 = 2
101. Multiply 1 with 5 = 5
102. Multiply 5 with 1 = 5
103. Multiply 7 with 1 = 1
104. Multiply 0 with 2 = 0
105. Multiply 0 with 4 = 0
106. Multiply 1 with 0 = 0
107. Multiply 2 with 5 = 10
108. Reverse the string RQJRL = lrjqr
109. Reverse the string GEGTX =xtgeg
110. Reverse the string WLMHN = nhmlw
111. Reverse the string XQQOJ = joqqx
112. Reverse the string VXAKY = ykaxv
113. Reverse the string IMWCT = tcwmi
114. Reverse the string YRPOA = aopry
115. Reverse the string QWLYG = gylwq
116. Reverse the string JNPOW = wopnj
117. Reverse the string UNHRL = lrhnu
118. Reverse the string YvXVR = rvxvy
119. Reverse the string DXDHB = bhdxd
120. Reverse the string YFDMC = cmdfy
121. Reverse the string GFQFN = nfqfg
122. Reverse the string GOHGR = rghog
123. Reverse the string XXEFX = xfexx
124. Reverse the string JSORD = drosj
125. Reverse the string FEYDA = adyef
126. Reverse the string MXPBV = vbpxm
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